DCA Formally Supports Creation of a National Wildlife Refuge  

Refuge is part of larger plan that will insure the continued integrity of the streams

April, 1998 -- The Darby Creek Association supports the proposed Darby Ecosystem Protection and Restoration Project, including the establishment of a National Wildlife Refuge within the Little Darby Creek watershed.

We believe there is a need for both corridor protection along the Big and Little Darby Creeks and their tributaries, and for the creation of a wildlife refuge, as measures to insure the continued integrity of the streams and maintenance of biodiversity.

The benefits of this project include:

*creation of buffer strips to retain soil and filter pollutants,

*protection and restoration of habitat essential to native fish, birds, plants, and wildlife,

*restoration of wetlands which will mitigate flooding and provide resting areas for migratory birds,

*addition of public lands for recreational and educational use,

*reduction of urban sprawl,

*creation of economic opportunities for industries associated with recreation, tourism, and wildlife,

*preservation of land engaged in agriculture,

*maintenance of the aesthetic and rural character of the area.

We also support the methods presently proposed to implement this project: voluntary fee simple acquisition, conservation easements, purchase of development rights. The use of eminent domain has not been advocated by any of the four sponsoring organizations. We believe landowners, upon deciding to divest themselves of their property, should have the option of placing it into a conservancy of their choice.

In our opinion, the Darby Ecosystem Protection and Restoration Project is ecologically and economically sound. It's adoption will allow us to leave a healthier watershed as a legacy to future generations.