About the Darby Creek Association

Established in 1972, Darby Creek Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization committed to protect, preserve and restore the Big and Little Darby Creeks. It is an all-volunteer organization seeking support from citizens, like you.


o Darby Creek Advocate, published quarterly, is the most complete and current public source of information on issues affecting the Big and Little Darby Creeks and their tributaries.

o Secured a seat on the Darby Watershed Steering Committee, and participate in local information and planning groups.

o Actively seeking participants to receive funds or donate funds to plant trees, grant easements & other conservation practices.

o Created a Legal Fund to assist homeowners in appeal process regarding development that could impact their homes and the Darby Creek. Working with local residents to appeal filling the Hamilton Run Floodplain.

o Seeking “Outstanding National Resource Water” designation for Darby Creeks, the highest level of protection afforded by the Clean Water Act.

o Regularly provide comments on government policy issues affecting the health of the Big Darby Creek watershed.

o Annually co-sponsor Darby Creek Day with Franklin County Metro Parks.


o Instrumental in obtaining State and National Scenic River status for the Big and Little Darby Creeks.

o Lead advocate to defeat the dams and quarries that would have endangered Big Darby Creek. Many of the lands threatened by these projects have now become metroparks.

o Lead advocate for adequately protective development planning and stormwater management.

o Obtained resolution from the Franklin County Commissioners to protect the Darby.

o Co-sponsor Darby Creek Day annually each fall with Franklin County MetroParks.

o Developed a floodplain reforestation demonstration site at the northwest corner of Rt. 40 & Alton-Darby Rd.

o Sponsored creek clean-ups.

This is just a small list of the activities we promote and encourage. If you would like to be part of the Darby Creek Association we welcome your participation. Please call 614-288-0313 for more information or check out our web site at www.darbycreeks.org.